Directions to New Hope Lutheran Church
From the Belt/Southern State Parkway :
Belt Parkway will run/turn into the Southern State Parkway.
to Exit 13 on the Southern State Parkway, Central
From West of Exit 13 :
will go South on Central Avenue and make a right at the second light onto Fenwood Drive. (Key
Food is on the corner.) Then, make the first right onto Oliver Avenue. Go approximately 7 blocks
and the church is on the right.
From East of Exit 13 :
will make a left at your first light to go under the Southern State Parkway, and then you will go South on Central Avenue
and make a right at the second light onto Fenwood Drive. (Key Food is on the corner.) Then, make the first right onto Oliver Avenue.
approximately 7 blocks and the church is on the right.
From the Northern State/Grand Central Parkway or The Long Island Expressway:
the Cross Island Parkway South to Exit 25B, Linden Blvd. Make a left at the first light onto Linden.
Then, make a right at the second light onto Elmont
Road (going south). There is an Exxon on the
corner. Go three blocks and make onto Oliver
Avenue. It is the second block after the light.
Go three blocks and the church is on the left.